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Comprehensive Management System

ISO 9001 Certificate

El certificado ISO 9001 demuestra que GEDELSA cumple con los estándares de calidad establecidos por la norma internacional ISO 9001. Esta norma se centra en la GESTION DE LA CALIDAD y proporciona un marco de trabajo para asegurar un enfoque lógico en la administración de la organización. Esta certificación incluye la mejora de productos, servicios, procesos, riesgos y la realización de una serie de auditorÍas internas y externas para asegurar su cumplimiento.

ISO 14001 Certificate

The ISO 14001 Certificate proves that GEDELSA complies with the ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS established in International Standard ISO 14001. This standard focuses on the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution from a point of view of balance with socioeconomic aspects..

Certifying areas that include the following:

  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • Optimising resources and waste.
  • Reducing negative environmental impact.

The implementation of an Environmental Management System in compliance with ISO Standard 14001 makes it possible to structure and organise the environmental aspects generated in each one of the organisation’s activities and to enhance environmental protection.

ISO 45001 Certificate

The ISO 45001 is an International Standard that establishes the requirements for an OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OHS). Its purpose is to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses and accidents, providing a safe, secure and healthy workplace.

The following are some of the benefits of implementing an OHS that complies with ISO 45001:

  • Reducing the occupational injury, illness and mortality rates.
  • Prevention or reduction of risks associated with OHS.
  • Improving the Health Safety performance, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Company commitment and safeguarding the brand’s reputation.
  • Motivating the employees and making them committed to consultation and participation.
  • Developing a preventive culture within the organisation.

TRANSFORMADORES GEDELSA S.A. is homologated for the manufacture of transformers for the main National Electricity Companies: